What will your retirement look like?

Approaching police retirement can be an anxious, difficult time. You’ve worked hard your whole life for the time when you can kick back and relax. Or can you? Retirement has very different meanings for different people. It’s one of those things where if you ask ten people what they think you’ll get eleven answers! 

But the key to beginning a successful retirement, whatever your goals might be, is ensuring your financial security. And that means having your pension planning, investment planning and financial commitments in good order. 

That’s where I can help. Whatever your age, we can run through all of your finances with you and come up with a plan to make your money work for you. 

So you’re approaching police retirement. Your finances are in good shape, and you’re ready to get started on the next stage of your journey. Some people will begin a new career - rather like I have, or follow an ambition to start a business. That could be part time or full time. Or perhaps take a lengthy holiday, or many holidays. 

Or perhaps you plan to take up a hobby like photography, fishing or art. It’s also possible that you have some concerns about your finances and what you need to do the things that you want to do. We can review all of your financial interests including pension planning, investment planning, savings and any other commitments or assets that you have and give you the advice that you need on how to make your money work for you. 

So your retirement will be unique to you. But what is the same for everyone approaching retirement age is the need to plan ahead so that your finances support your plans, dreams and aspirations for a long, fruitful and successful retirement.

What to consider before Retirement

  • Pension benefits/options
  • State pension forecast 
  • Family needs 
  • Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney 
  • Next job/career 
  • Tax advice
  • Business advice 
  • Investment advice
  • Retirement planning